Gloom Girl MFG Show Their True Selves in New Video for “I Hope She Knows”

The Nashville-based punks counter the serious lyrical themes of the track with a bit of silliness.

Gloom Girl MFG Show Their True Selves in New Video for “I Hope She Knows”

The Nashville-based punks counter the serious lyrical themes of the track with a bit of silliness.

Words: Kim March

September 08, 2023

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Gloom Girl MFG have released five fiery singles since arriving on the Nashville scene about a year ago with their high-energy indie-punk sound, which falls in line with that of recently re-formed local legends Be Your Own Pet. The latest of which, “I Hope She Knows,” even takes a similarly sobering lyrical approach to several of the songs on their forebears’ new record, with vocalist Paige MacKinnon getting real about the uncertainties of relationships. “Love is ridiculous in all its beautiful turmoil,” the band shares. “We’re all condemned to repeatedly fall in and out of it—which is tragic but hilarious! I think this song attempts to mirror this tragicomic dance of the heart.” 

Leaning further into the “hilarious” half of that equation, the quartet returns today with a video for that single, which pairs its crunchy guitar riffs and threatening vocal hooks with scenes of the band putting their true personalities on display—which, it turns out, aren’t quite as serious as the lyrics would have you think. “As a counterpoint to the music, we wanted to make a video that showed us being ourselves—playing music together and being silly,” the band continues. “Taking anything, especially love, too seriously will seriously mess you up. It could be a band, a relationship, a job. Love—life, really—requires a bit of silliness to live it well, especially in this all-too-serious world we have to slog through. Why not have fun with it?”

Watch the band let loose below. You can also find the track—along with two of their other previously released single and a new one—on their debut EP Factory, which drops today. Check it out here.